Home2 Suites
by Hilton
Parc Lafayette
1909 Kaliste Saloom Rd
LafayetteS, LA 70508

April 11-13 2025
Mark your calendar!

Sam G.
Nashville, TN
Chris C.
Frisco, TX
Juanita U.
Santa Fe, Nm
Kate R.
Cincinnati, OH
Our Conference Mission
Fellowship of the Spirit South is a joint AA & Al-Anon conference. We are dedicated to carrying the message of Alcoholics Anonymous, as set forth in the book Alcoholics Anonymous. We strive to carry a message of hope to alcoholics and to those affected by alcoholism. For three days, we meet to encourage and support each other to continue working the program of recovery found in the Big Book. We offer concrete examples of success in our lives, so that others will be inspired to incorporate this program of recovery into their own lives and to carry the message of recovery into their families and communities.
Fostering Spiritual Principles
To live free of alcohol and grow in understanding and effectiveness, alcoholics must abandon themselves to a power greater than themselves. That power can be sought effectively through the 12 Steps. Millions of Alcoholics and Al-Anons have achieved positive results using this program over nearly 85 years of our fellowship’s existence.
To continue to grow, alcoholics must enlarge their spiritual lives through repeated use of the spiritual principles contained in the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous.
Our very lives as ex-problem drinkers depend on carrying the message of Alcoholics Anonymous, as set forth in the book Alcoholics Anonymous, to those who still suffer from the disease of alcoholism.
Our Spiritual Fellowship
We recognize that, in a very real way, we belong to a spiritual fellowship, a family, born of our individual work in these 12 Steps. Fellowship of the Spirit South is celebrated here in Lafayette, LA each year –- and practiced throughout each day of the year in between. We look forward to continuing growth, individually and as a family, and we welcome new members and guests to Southern Louisiana.
“Give freely of what you find and join us. We shall be with you in the Fellowship of the Spirit, and you will surely meet some of us as you trudge the Road of Happy Destiny. May God bless you and keep you – until then.”
(From the book Alcoholics Anonymous, page 164)